Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Revelations

As much as I LOVE writing, I always feel awkward when I start a new post. Though, by the end I feel a lot better than I did before so I suppose it's worth it.

I love starting over. Of course there's a limit to how many times you're offered a clean slate, but everyone deserves to once or twice cause, lets face it, people mess up.

Point being... it feels good to begin again.

I've been writing songs. It feels like one right after the other. It's never come to me so quickly before. I hope it never goes away. I literally sat down with Dana and Giggles and wrote a song in ten minutes. I LOVE IT! I wanna know where this was when I was in NYC.

I guess it's because of all the shit I'm going through right now. But I'm still going. And I keep smiling. Honestly, what else is there to do?

I'm not saying I'm a robot... I have my bad days, but through it all I'm an optimist. And I like it that way. I try to find the light in every situation. I like to think. I always start with "Ok... well, what can I learn from this?". As much as it might hurt... it's always gunna get better.


It was good. This has been the best Christmas vacation of my life. There are a few elements missing. Money. A job. A car. A friend. But... those would just be icing on the cake. The cool whip atop the pie. The cherry on the sundae. You get my point. Even without those things... I still get cake.

Dear John Mayer,

How do you know me so well?

Anywho, enough for now.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here I Am Once Again

Back to writing. It's all I've been doing lately. Songs, music, and now this. It keeps me sane I suppose.

Had the best weekend of my life.

Dear LA,

I love you.


I had the most amazing time. I saw people I've known forever, I got closer to new friends, and even made some new ones.

To all of you who I met, THANK YOU!

I want to live there. I wanna be a part of it all. I dont remember the last time I felt that way. If I ever have.

New York was beautiful... but it was just to big for me. I was outmatched. But I learned from it. LA seems like a place I could call home and be happy with it.

Now all I need it money. Don't I always?

Anywho, music. Ina totally non-narcisistic way, I've been loving the music I've been creating. It's grown from Fastlane and City Lights... its different. It's real.

I need to get my name out there. I need to play more, write more, sing more, everywhere!

Soon enough... soon enough.